AERO - Aerospace Studies

AERO 1101 Foundations of the Air Force I

An introductory course exploring the doctrine, mission, and organization of the U.S. Air Force and roles of the U.S. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. Laboratory (AERO 1111) required for AFROTC students.


AERO 1102 Foundations of the Air Force II

A continuation of the study of U.S. Forces, including general purpose forces, aerospace support forces, and a study of the functions of the strategic offensive and defensive forces. Laboratory (AERO 1112) required for AFROTC students.


AERO 1111 Leadership Laboratory

A study of Air Force customs, courtesies, drill and ceremonies, career opportunities in the Air Force, and the life and work of an Air Force officer. An extensive physical fitness program is taught, reinforced, and evaluated. Students under contract with AFROTC must pass a physical fitness test (sit-ups, push-ups, 1.5 mile run) each term. Non-contract students must attempt the physical fitness test each term. Field trips to Air Force installations are also included. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 1101.


AERO 1112 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 1111. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 1102.


AERO 2101 Evolution of Air and Space Power I

Evolution of air power and space power through the Cuban missile crisis. Introduces and develops Air Force values and communication skills. Laboratory (AERO 2111) required for AFROTC students.


AERO 2102 Evolution of Air and Space Power II

A continuation of AERO 2101, emphasizing the evolution of air and space power from the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 to present. Further develops Air Force values and communication skills. Laboratory (AERO 2112) required for AFROTC students.


AERO 2111 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 1112. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 2101.


AERO 2112 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 2111. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 2102.


AERO 3111 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 2111. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 3301.


AERO 3112 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 3111. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 3302.


AERO 3301 Air Force Leadership and Management I

A study of leadership/followership, authority/responsibility, and management functions, motivation, feedback ethics, team building, and counseling subordinates. Emphasis is placed on improving speaking/writing communication skills and assessing personal leadership strengths and weaknesses. Corequisite: Concurrent laboratory AERO (3111) enrollment required for AFROTC students.


AERO 3302 USAF Leadership Studies II

A continuation of AERO 3301. Corequisite: Concurrent laboratory AERO (3111) enrollment required for AFROTC students.


AERO 4111 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 3112. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 4301.


AERO 4112 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 4001. Corequistie: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 4302.


AERO 4301 Defense Studies

A study of civilian control of the military the national security process and issues. American issues, American defense strategy and policy, and the Air Force organizational structure. Concurrent enrollment in AERO 4111 is required for AFROTC students. This course may also be taken by non-AFROTC students without the lab. Prerequiste: upper-level standing or consent of instructor.


AERO 4302 Preparation for Active Duty

This course prepares the student for active duty studying various world regions, officership, the military justice system, the military as a profession, and advanced leadership ethics. Special emphasis is placed on speaking and writing skills in the unique military-style format. Laboratory (AERO 4112) enrollment required for AFROTC students.